Introduction to Ecosystems GCSE Geography Resources

Download the GCSE Geography Ecosystems: Introduction Resources module

This module contains:

  •  An editable PowerPoint lesson presentation
  • Editable revision handouts
  • A glossary which covers the key terminologies of the module
  • Topic mindmaps for visualising the key concepts
  • Printable flashcards to help students engage active recall
  • A quiz with answer key to test knowledge and understanding of the module

Ecosystems: Introduction

Ecosystem - natural environment with living communities of diverse plants and animals that share common characteristics and interact within that area.

Components of an ecosystem:

  • Biotic - living elements of the ecosystem - flora (plants), fauna (animals), and bacteria.
  • Abiotic - non-living elements of the ecosystems - climate (sunlight, temperature, rainfall), soil, water, etc.

This ​GCSE ​Ecosystems module introduces ecoystems to your students, explaining:

  • ​What are ecosystems, and how do they relate with a natural system?
  • What are the different characteristics of ecosystems?
  • How are UK ecosystems and global ecosystems distributed?
  • How are ecosystems used, modified and changed for human consumption?

Resource Examples

Click any of the example images below to view a larger version.

Lesson Presentation:

Revision Notes & Quiz: